Bible Heaven
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Love...Joy ... Peace. These we owe to the Lord.
Longsuffering ... Gentleness...Goodness. These we owe to
one another.
Faith...Meekness...Temperance... These we owe to
ourselves. (Gal. 5:22,23)
There are 3 classes of fruit production...
A. Fruit. John 15:2.
B. More Fruit. John 15:2.
C. Much Fruit. John 15:2.
A. How we may have the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives.
a. By our union with Christ in His death and Resurrection.
Roman. 6:11; Gal 5:24; John 15:4.
b. By living and walking in the Spirit. This is what is
meant by the Spirit filled life. Gal. 5:25.
B. Hindrances to a fruitful life:
Being desirous of vain glory.
Provoking one another.
Envying one another. Gal. 5:26.
1. Fruit is a natural outcome by process of steady
growth resultant from a principle of life within.
2. Gifts may be given by anyone person to another, and
have no relation whatever to a life giving
3. Fruit is the manifestation of the "Divine Life",
imparted to the believer at regeneration.
4. Gifts can be bestowed suddenly at any point in the
believers experience.
Harold Horton says, "The nine fold fruit is for
character. None of them are miraculous. The nine gifts
are for power... all are miraculous.:
5. The fruit of the Spirit is manifested in the
believer who has been made a partaker of the Divine
Nature through the Spirit of Christ. Spiritual
Life,...the fruit of the Spirit becomes evident.
Like natural fruit, the fruit develops gradually,
naturally, but consistently.
6. The Gifts of the Spirit, are complete in
themselves, but, the exercise of the gifts can
become more perfect by use. Gifts are given to
those who are baptised in the Holy Spirit. Some
may receive that gifts, when the Holy Spirit first
can use them, while others receive at a later date.
While Gifts may be received at any point during our
Christian experience..... Fruit should be developed
throughout our Christina Experience.
God defined love by example: He gave His only Son for us.
Love is an act of the will, of surrendering ourselves and
giving ourselves to others without demands upon them. It is
the highest expression of the fruit of the Spirit, the quality
of God's character which includes all the others. Read John
3:16; 15:3; Matthew 5:43,44; Ephesians 5:25.
- God wants us to fully experience His kind of love,
Ephesians 3:17-19.
- God's love is poured into us by the Holy Spirit. Romans
5:5 1 John 4:6-21; 2 Timothy 1:7.
- we need to yield to the Holy Spirit's work in our lives,
continuing day by day in God's love. John 15:9; 1
Corinthian 13:8.
- to love one another is the greatest commandment. Instead
of having to strive to keep the law, love satisfied all
that God requires. Matthew 22:35-40; John 15:9-17;
Romans 13:8-10; 1 Thessalonians 3:12: 1 Peter 3:8; 4:8;
1 John 2:10; 3:14.
- Love is the key to keep in the unity of the Spirit and in
coming to the fulness of the unity of the faith in the
Body of Christ. Ephesian. 4:2,15,16,32; 5:2.
- expressing God's love to one another is the sign to the
outside world of the reality of Christian discipleship.
John 13:35.
- love is revealed in serving one another. Gal. 5:13; 6:2;
Phil. 2:3,4.
A person totally motivated by God's love does not react
wrongly in any situation. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7);
- he is not jealous of other's spiritual gifts.
- he is not boastful or proud of how the Holy Spirit has
used him.
- he does not exaggerate his own God-given gifts of acts
- he does not selfishly demand his own way all the time.
- he is not irritable or provoked by situation.
- he is not resentful; he keeps no score of wrongs.
- he does not try to get even if someone has done wrong to
- he forgets when he forgives.
- he never rejoices when someone else is unjustly treated,
instead he rejoices when truth prevails.
- he is loyal to others whatever the cost: he does not
gossip about their faults.
- he continues to believe the best about others.
- he is full of hope in all thing; enduring all situation.
Joy is the deep inward reaction of the Christian to the
goodness of his heavenly Father. It is a quality of life
which has its source in the Holy Spirit's work making Jesus a
reality in our loves day by day. Unlike happiness, it is not
just a passing reaction to the present situation. The joy
that the Christian can experience is lasting, unaffected by
whether circumstances are good or bad. "'For the kingdom of
God is... righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost."
Romans 14:17. Read John 16:22.
- joy comes from God: it is found in His presence. Romans
15:13. John 15:11; 17:13; 1 Peter 1:8; Psalm 16:11; 43:4.
- it is God's purpose that the Church constantly experience
joy. Psalm 48:2; Jude 24.
- Jesus said our joy would be full if: (John 15: 1-11)
a. we abide in Him.
b. let His words abide in us.
c. keep His commandments.
- God's joy strengthens us. Nehemiah 8:10.
- the Holy Spirit brings forth the joy of God:
a. spontaneously in personal and group worship. Psalm
35:9; 149:2; 5:11; Phil 3:3; 4:4.'
b. in realising the full measure of our salvation.
Psalm 51:12; 105:43; Isaiah 61:10; 12:3;
c. in the hope of what is ahead of us. Isaiah
d. as we share together in fellowship and in breaking
of bread. Acts 2: 46.
Kindness is the love shown by a person with a sweet spirit.
one that is gentle and mild and full of graciousness. Read
Ephesian 4:32; Colossians 3:12; 2 Peter 1:7.
- God has established an everlasting covenant of kindness
toward us. As we yield to the Holy Spirit's work in our
lives we will have the same quality of kindness towards
others. Isaiah 54:8,10.
- the source of kindness is knowing God's mercy. 2 Samuel
22:36; 2 Corinthians 1:3,4: Nehemiah 9:17; Psalm 31:21;
Titus 3:4,5.
- gentleness is the expression of thoughtfulness for the
needs of others. I Corinthians 13:4; Titus 3:2; James
3:17; 2 Timothy 2:24; Romans 12:10.
To have goodness is to have integrity of character - honestly
in motives, righteousness in personal standards, generosity in
- one of the most wonderful truths of being in relationship
with God is to know that He is good, He does good and He
gives good things. Psalm 33:5; 34:8; 119:68; Nahum 1:7;
Matthew 19:17; Genesis 1:31; James 1:17; Acts 10:38;
14:17; Matthew 7:11; Jeremiah 32:40-42.
- our salvation is not just a promise of life in eternity
with God, but it is to have practical application now: we
were saved to be examples of God's goodness in the world
around us. It is not a natural quality in us, but as we
accept the Holy Spirit's work, He produces God's
goodness. Ephesians 2:10; Colossians 1:10; 2 Corinthian
9:8; Titus 2:14; 3:1,8; Matthew 5:14-16; Romans 3:12;
- in the scriptures goodness in linked with righteousness;
it come form a heart that is right with God. Matthew
12:33-35; Psalm 34:14, 15; Proverbs 11:23; Isaiah 1:16,
17; Ephesians 5:9.
- good works, expressed as works of love towards God and
man, are "good" because :
a. they are in accordance with scripture. 2 Timothy
3:16,17; Roman 13:8-10.
b. they are done with the right motive. 1 Thess 1:3;
Heb 6:10; Romans 12:1,2,9.
c. they are for God's glory. I Corinthians 6:20;
Matthew 5:16; 1 Peter 2:12.
- goodness means being generous. 2 Corinthians 8:2;
- goodness means seeking the welfare of others. Gal.
6:9,10; Acts 2:44,45; Ephesains 4:29; Proverbs 12:25;
- we should react to evil by returning good. 1 Thess. 5:15;
Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27-38; Romans 12:20,21; 1 Samuel
Faith is believing that what God says is true. It is the
doorway into personally experiencing all the promises of His
Word. We need to learn to have faith in what God says above
what we feel ourselves - for Hi@s Word has power to change
seemingly impossible situations. Read Romans 10:17; Hebrews
11:6. There are two main aspects of the word "faith: in the
New Testament:
a. Firstly it is firm conviction, assurance and trust in
- not based on what is seen or known by reason.
Hebrews 11:1; Romans 4:19-21; Proverbs 3:5.
- founded on the facts of God's character and actions
as revealed in His Word. Romans 10:17; 1
Corinthians 2:5; 15:14-20.
b. The resulting action: a personal surrender and commitment
to Christ, at the beginning of our Christian life and day
by day in every situation we face. John 1:12; 2
Corinthians 5:7
- it is essential in pleasing God. Hebrews 11:6;
Romans 14:23.
- there is no other entrance into salvation and
relationship with God. John 3:16; Ephesians
2:8;3:12,17; Galatians 3:26.
- faith is necessary in receiving from God. Gal.
3:2,5; Acts 14:9; Hebrews 6:12.
- faith is demonstrated by obedience. Without it,
"belief" is meaningless. John 3:36; Romans 16:26;
Hebrews 11:7,8; James 2:17.
- our faith grows by studying the Word, obeying God
and releasing what faith we have. Matthew 17:20;
Romans 10:17; James 2: 14-26.
- it makes nothing beyond possibility. Mark 9:23;
1 John 5:4.
Many translations of Galatians 5:22,23 use the word
"faithfulness" rather than "faith", the two are linked: the
ability to be steadfast and loyal to God no matter what the
circumstances, comes only from an unmoveable faith in God's
love and power, and total commitment to His purpose. 2 Timothy
1:,12; Matthew 25:21; 1 Corinthians 4:2; 15:58; Phil. 1:27.
"Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the
measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." Ephesians
The meek (or gentle) person has the kind of Spirit that
accepts God's dealings without dispute because he knows they
are for his good. So meekness is firstly a relationship with
God. But it is also seen in outward behaviour and relations
with other people. A meek man is not weak at all - quit the
opposite- his actions are self-controlled', not showing
self-interest although he is well aware that he can draw on
the infinite resources of God in any situation. Read 1 Peter
3:4; Colossians 3:12; 1 Timothy 6:11; Micah. 6:8
- we should have the same humble meekness that Christ had.
Matt 11:29; 21:5; John 8:28,29; 2 Corinthians 10:1.
- we are to show meekness to all men. Titus 3:2; 1 Peter
3:15; Ephesians 4:2.
- Meekness is the Christians response especial when dealing
with those having personal problems and those in
doctrinal error. It doesn't show any signs of
resentment. 1 Corinthians 4:21; Gal 6:1; 2 Timothy 2:25.
- there are many promises for the meek. Matthew 5:5;
11:29; 18:4; Luke 14:11; 1 Peter 5:5, 6; Psalms 37:11;
25:9; 22:19; Proverb 22:4.
- meekness does not come naturally, we must accept the Holy
Spirit's work, so that we "put on " meekness. Colossians
God has given us tremendous power and authority in Christ.
This can easily be abused. When we yield our wills to the
operation of the Spirit, God enables us to use His power in
the right way. Proverbs. 16:32: 2 Peter 1:6.
- self control comes through discipline and yielding.-to
the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 9: 25-27; Gal. 5:16.
- Self control is a requirement for leadership in the
church. Titus 1:8.
- what we say is perhaps the most significant area where we
need continued self-control . Psalms 39:1; James 3:1-12.